F27 Msn:10205-10230


Msn:10205  PT-LCG  Brasil Brasil.

Msn:10206  PT-LCG  Brasil Central.

Photo  Phil Hood Collection.

Photo Date (May 7,1988.)


Msn:10212  N270MA  Northwest Airlines.

Photo Michael Roeser.

Photo Date  (October 11,1992.)

Msn:10226  PK-JFK  P.T.Sempati Air Transport.

Photo  with permission from John Mounce Collection.

Photo Date                                                                                                     



Msn:10226  PK-JFK  P.T.Sempati Air Transport.

Photo with permission from John Mounce.Collection.

Photo Date ()                                                                               



Msn:10226  PK-JFK  Sempati Air.  (25 Years sticker)

Photo with permission from Danny Grew.

Photo Date


Msn:10226  PK-JFK  Sempati Air.

Photo  Krijn Oostlander Collection.

Photo Date


Msn:10228  F-BUFU  Touraine Air Transport.

Photo Michael Volpati.

Photo Date (May 21,1976.)


Msn:10228  F-BUFU  Taxi Avia France.

Photo Stephan Barth Collection.

Photo Date  (September 2,1973.)

Msn:10228  N267MA  Northwest Orient Airlink.

Photo D Scott Norris Collection.

Photo Date  (January 3,1992.)